Stretch's Hangar

About Me      Contact delivery on 122.45.

Pilot in Training

First of all, welcome to my pages for Fs98 & 95; I hope you will enjoy the resources here. The purpose of the pages is mainly to share a loved hobby and to provide a place to share info and simulator knowledge. My name is Aaron Swindle, and I live in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I am 6'2" and about 155 lbs, thus the nickname "Stretch" was coined for me by my friend Ace McCool, a retired engineer and long time advanced pilot. You can read some of his great writings about flying and aviation by clicking on his link on the homepage. He is a most avid writer and poet by any standards. He is also a most cherished friend and advisor to say the least.

I have had a love of flying for most of my life. My father was a career A/C mechanic in the navy for 22 years. As you can imagine, I got to spend a great deal of time around aircraft and ships. I have even had the privilege to ride in the GoodYear blimp once while living in Texas. That was a neat experience indeed. With so much moving around the country, it seemed we were always climbing in and out of commercial planes. This pattern continued for me after I joined the U.S.M.C. in 1986. Flying into San Diego to go to boot camp, "90 Days In Hell"…hahahahah, I had my first thoughts of getting my PPL. It would be 11 years later when I finally drove out to SHD, Shenandoah Regional Airport and met Pete Burr, a CFII/MEI, who owns Valley Air Inc. He was sitting behind a weathered metal desk. It turned out he also was from the same area of Texas I used to live in. I introduced myself and told him I wanted to learn to fly. Twenty minutes later we did a preflight inspection on the 150 Cessna and headed out to rway 23. With my hands on the flight yoke and feet on the rudder pedals, I knew I was in for a great experience. We hit the center line and he told me to give it full power, "Man what a great feeling to be right up front where the action is, after all those years of over-crowded backseat rides". To make a long story short, 55 minutes later I was "Hooked." Since that time, I have been training in a 172 Cessna Sky-hawk under the guidance of Norbert Wittman, CFII Charter Pilot..  Norbert, originally from Germany, is in the U.S. on an aviation training program.  He's tough, but fair and I really enjoy flying with him. Progress is slow but steady, which is what a new pilot in training needs to remember. I am very close to my first solo---"Sweaty Palms", no doubt. I will keep you posted on my training progress. Again, I wish to welcome you to my little piece of heaven, and invite you to submit contributions to this site if you like. It will be a little rough at first, but hey most flights are until you get above the turbulence.




          Excess Gauge File Remover  by Rune Molin

          Removes Night Light Flicker  by Neil Park

Aircraft by Fred Wohosky







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