Wouldn't it be arrogant for me or for my family to write a website about ourselves? That should not be done in a polite society or series of websites, right?
Well, the original reason for writing this site had nothing to do with showing off about my wonderful and unique family. The reasons were different:
I needed to make a distinction between the subjective and objective issues.
In some ways, the pieces in this website may be more important than their original websites. This is the real stuff that we actually experienced. It's not hifalutin, theoretical, or empirical research, but a quiet, calm, personal relationships with the Grossman family and the world around us.
That's not so arrogant after all, is it?
Well, this subtitle could be misleading. Arrogance is not good, but, on the other hand I'm certainly in good company. Google my name, and you'll find many Grossmans who have personal web pages. As a matter of fact, there are so many that it may be arrogant not to follow my peers and not to have my own. It would imply that I'm better than they are, so that I don't need a website to tell about myself while everybody else seems to do so.
If I'm so excited about writing a website about myself, then perhaps the next step should be to write a website about my genealogy.
However, you really don't care about my great-great-grandfather. You're not even sure that you want to know who I am. I'll spare you the genealogy. This website will have very little about my ancestry. You've been spared. Count your blessings.
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Keywords: Chutzpah, Grossman, Personality