The Grossman Family
Driving on Herzl Boulevard

like some Americans,
on the right side of the road,
except in England,
where they drive
on both sides of the road;
where they drive
on the sidewalk;
and France,
where if necessary
they will follow you
right into
the hotel lobby.
- Dave Barry

On the second day after making Aliyah, I was walking along Sderot Herzl, a major Jerusalem thoroughfare. I witnessed a minor accident. Both drivers angrily got out of their cars, pushed up their sleeves and blocked traffic with a fist fight in the middle of the street.

At that point I decided that I would never drive a car again. I've been driving long enough. Yes, as a new immigrant I could have purchased a car with reduced taxes, but I was happy to forfeit the questionable pleasure.

I never regretted the fact that I allowed my drivers' license to expire.

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Keywords: Behavior, Fight, Transportation/Car