The Grossman Family
Yoni Wrote a Sefer Torah

Yoni had decided that he would like to be a Torah scribe, a Sofer (as well as a photographer). He had just spent 15 months in his Yeshiva dormitory room writing his first major project - a Sefer Torah.

Yehuda, Devorah, and Tehilla joined me on the 400 bus to Bnei Brak on December 10, 2000 (13 Kislev 5761). We wanted to be part of the celebration marking the completion of that Sefer Torah.

We called Yoni as we neared his Yeshiva teacher's small living room. Learned Rabbis streamed in and accepted the privilege of writing their own letter in the Torah. Yoni, the master of ceremonies, was busy guiding them in their task.

Nonetheless, when we arrived in Bnei Brak, Yoni rushed out to greet us at the bus stop, and then he leisurely escorted us into the ceremony, as royal guests of honor. After all, we were the family of the scribe who had written this Torah. Yoni brought his father over to the writing table and explained how to write a letter in the Torah. He then asked his brother Yehuda to do the same.

The next part of the ceremony began later that evening. Some young children followed a sound truck that played traditional music through the streets of Bnei Brak. The rest of the celebrants joined a bit later. The new Torah itself was joyously carried beneath a canopy.

That parade made its way at a leisurely pace from the Rosh Yeshiva's house through various streets in the city. At one point it was respectfully placed into a waiting van. The participants crowded into buses and cars to join the second parade. They made their way to Yoni's Yeshiva, in Rosh Ha'ayin, where the Torah was placed in the Holy Ark. The crowd of people then returned to Bnei Brak for a fine repast, ending past midnight, but we went back to Jerusalem.

Yoni was the center of attention, and his guests were effused with excitement. They asked about his visits the previous week to senior rabbis throughout Israel. One of those Rabbis had told him that his handwriting was very nice (zeyer scheine ksav) and others echoed those sentiments.

They were right. Yoni's Torah script clearly demonstrates his skill and talent.

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Keywords: Ceremony, Jewish, Writing, Yeshiva