supermodels world
Where supermodels reign supreme. ä                                      

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antonio sabato jr.

Surprise, surprise! Supermodels World sports a whole new interface! Everything is new here. I've added some graphics of my own, which I painstainkingly created myself, plus some new contents to this homepage. I also added links to some sites that can submit your webpage to search engines for free! Isn't that great or what! You can still find the old page here.

Last time I said that a real update is coming soon, well guess what?Still no update! Sorry guys,but I had meant to update it,it's just that I don't have the time,what with my studies and all that. But do visit my page, I will try to update the gallery though, I have lots of pics but like I said before, I just don't have the time to upload it. So please,please be patient with me.Your little patience can a go long way,trust me on this one.Watch out for a minor update OK.Tchau!

For those of you who really, really want to see Mark Van Der Loo, the mistake there have rectified.Now you can go and see the him to your heart's content.If you want, you can download the Mark Van Der Loo Winamp skin here.Have fun!

michael bergin The Gallery section is a new section which will lead you to the picture galleries of all the models. It's an improvement nevertheless from that table at the bottom of the page I used to have.

What's New is another new page, where there will be updates of this website, and also the updates of these supermodels, among other things. New stuff about these supermodels and more are coming soon, so watch that page.

If you view my guestbook, it's still the same old page. Do take a look to find out what others have to say about this page, about the models, their questions.

marcus schenkenberg Please sign my guestbook. I love getting feedbacks from visitors. Tell me what you feel, about this page, about the models, anything. Your suggestions mean a lot to me.

Another new section.In Related Links you'll find links to fashion- and supermodels-related sites. It also contains links to some modelling agencies, for any of you who are interested in becoming a model. For the time being the links are pretty limited, but I'll add some more links in the very near future.

mark van der loo If you want to know a little something about me, the person who have created this site, then go to the revised and very-obviously-titled About Me page.

If you have anything to say to me, or want to ask me something in person, please e-mail me. No junk mail please, or anything of the sort. It will be much appreciated.

Want to promote your homepage? Then try these links.
AAA Matilda Asia
@Submit!-FREE Promotion

Updated on 12th August 2000 (time does fly,isn't it!)
Best view with Netscape 4.0 and IE4
(Sorry if this page looks stink on your computer)

Created by Asmadi Othman

All rights reserved. Supermodels World© logo may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the author's prior consent.Pictures in the gallery are owned by their respective author. All trademarks belong to their respective company. Search engine logos are used for promotional purpose.This website does not use the pictures in the gallery for commercial purpose and does not gain any profit from the use of these pictures.If you own any of this picture, and wish to have it removed, please inform me as soon as possible.The picture/s will be removed after the necessary proof has been provided to me.