Your computer should be able to compute. It should be able calculate how graphic designs will work out properly.
Well, it does just that.
Thus, if your page border has a row of hearts around the sides, top, and bottom, then it should be able to arrange an even number of hearts - without any partial hearts.
If you adjust the size of each heart, then it should be able to rearrange the number and positioning, so that the hearts are even again. It does that, too.
Again, if you change the size or the shape of the page from American letter size to A4 or vice versa, then it should be able to rearrange the hearts again. Yes, it can do just that.
Your computer is just doing its job. We don't always appreciate all of the calculations that it makes so seamlessly, and apparently, so effortlessly.
That's why you are now reading this page. Now, you will appreciate your computer more. You have just enjoyed a glimpse at one of its advanced mathematical possibilities. You are shielded from the math, of course. That leave you with just the fun.
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Keyword: Mathematics