Articles about Computing
Enjoying your computer

Computers are
incredibly fast, accurate and stupid;
humans are
incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant;
but together
they are powerful beyond imagination
- Albert Einstein

You might think that an Enjoy section in this website is a bit out of place. After all we're talking about many serious and important issues and enjoyment doesn't seem to fit in. Furthermore, your idea of enjoyment may be computer games and we're not going to be talking about them over here so it seems another reason and a bit strange.

But it isn't strange.

The feeling is that if you enjoy using the computer, if you feel comfortable and if the computer is sort of invisible, sort of the way you drive, you don't think about using the different parts of driving the different parts the steering wheel, the lights, or whatever, then you can gain more pleasure out of your driving. Whereas on the other hand, if you have to think about everything you do, to stop and to think, and maybe even look it up then your driving will not be very pleasurable at all.

So too with computers. If you can sit back and allow yourself to enjoy the computer, if you will get pleasure out of it, then you will be far more successful in your computer work then if you have to think about everything, and if you have to look it up, then if you have to be told different things to do.

That is why we have developed this section. It is really a very serious part of the website and the idea is that we hope that you will enjoy your work with the computer and as a result of your enjoyment we hope that you will be very successful.

Granted, your concept of pleasure with the computer might be different from somebody else's but one thing that everybody will have in commin in that the first thing to know when you're using the computer is that you should relax and feel comfortable with it and that will unquestionably add to or increase your pleasure.

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