The lighting for your computer affects your enjoyment and your satisfaction from using it.
The lighting should be such that you do not have a glare. The glare can come from two directions.
If the source of light is behind you then it may cause glare on your screen. Certain screens suffer less from this problem than others but in no cases is it a benefit to have the light behind you.
If the light is in front of you then it might cause a glare directly in your eyes and that will also affect your pleasure computing. It will distract you and it may tire you.
Ideally the light should be above you, but even then there are issues. Some people prefer fluorescent lights. Some people prefer incandescent lights, that's the round bulbs. In both cases people generally but not always prefer a cover over the light so that you don't have direct light.
Still others prefer different types of light that are stronger such as halogen lights which reflect off of the ceiling. And there are any number of other sources of light. In the fluorescent lights there are different colors, there is soft light and harsher light and different colors.
In all of these cases it is wise to consider the lighting before you put it up.
You're going to be in different environments anyhow. In a doctor's office or in your own office, in stores, in people's houses and so on. Be aware of the light. Be aware of how it affects you. See what kind of lighting you prefer and which is best for your own eyes. After you've investigated all of your options then perhaps you can select the best lighting for you in the wisest way for your own needs. You should keep track of the sources keep notes on a page perhaps posted on your fridge and after some time you will have enough statistics of your own needs.
Don't let people tell you what is better or worse. What's good for one person is not necessarily good for another. They will tell you what they prefer but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's best for you.
An exception to this guideline is your own optomitrist who may have certain requirements. If so that certainly does override the preferences that you may have.
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