Replacing Your Hard Drive
This is the third installment in a series about your hard drive.
You can replace the old hard drive with a new, large drive. This is the most cost-effective and efficient way to handle the problem. Your computer will run like new, and you will have much more free space.
It's best to buy the largest drive that you can afford, so that you won't have to replace it again. The prices of hard drives have plummeted to the point that it pays to buy a very large one. A small addition of money may double the capacity of the drive. Go for it.
Installation of that hard drive is a consideration. It really doesn't take much time to put in the new drive. It can either be installed on your system, or else your technician will grumble some meaningless jumble about upgrading the BIOS or the motherboard. If he says anything like that, tell him to forget the job, and consider getting another computer. Yes, that upgrade is possible, and yes, you will then be able to install a very large drive in your computer. However, this is where you should draw the line. One problem is leading to another - and it may be time to consider getting a new computer at this point.
Another point - when replacing that hard drive, keep in mind that it has to be loaded up with an operating system, drivers, and software. This could take a substantial number of hours, and it may be a significant consideration.
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Why is it best to replace a hard drive which is full rather than adding a second drive?
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Keywords: Computers, Consumerism, Maintain