This part of the website may well anger many people in the educational establishment. Their livelihood is based on the assumption that children will simply come to their schools whether they like it or not. They have a constantly renewed and renewing clientèle come to the school because they have no choice and the parents have no real alternative except for home schooling which usually can't work out. They have no choice but to send their children to the school until the age of 16 or 18.
Is this situation in the best interest of the school, of the child, and of society? Not necessarily. This section will present both sides of the story.
We won't keep you in suspense. The bottom line will be that it would be wise to make some far-reaching changes in the system. These changes are designed to accommodate the needs of many children who are forced to attend school. We will look at other options and other possibilities to create a long overdue overhaul of the system in order to accommodate the real needs of many of today's children.
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