Articles about education
For the Young
Not For All
Youth would be an ideal state
if it came a little later in life.
- Herbert Henry Asquith
Instead of giving money
to found colleges
to promote learning,
why don't they pass a constitutional amendment
prohibiting anybody
from learning anything?
If it works as good
as the Prohibition one did,
why, in five years
we would have the smartest race of people
on earth
- Will Rogers

Perhaps we should encourage hyperactive children to use their energy in a productive manner while they are very young.

Don't worry. They won't be denied their education if they can handle it. Let us consider the following factors:

These considerations may well outweigh ivory-tower recommendations about the benefits to the hyperactive child. After all, children who do not want to be in school will use their imagination to fight the establishment. They will be educated to be rebellious.

Children can be directed to academic studies as they grow more mature and settle down. They can study when they are ready to study. Counselors can help them determine how much they will benefit from and accomplish in school.

If a change is implemented in the system, then the more mature and more academically-inclined children will receive schooling without disruption.

Other children will work at non-academic jobs until they are ready to appreciate their studies. Those alternative forms of employment will allow them to contribute to society in their own way.

If children postpone their schooling until they are ready, then disciplinary issues can be de-emphasized (although it will not be abolished), and the schools can place more of a stress on education.

Society can benefit from a win-win situation when we realize that children should not be placed into schools in an indiscriminate manner.

Let's give the children the opportunity to do the things that they can do best when they are young, and let's help them deal with their schooling when they are ready for it.

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