Articles about Education
For the young
Not for Older Kids

Looking through the want ads
last week,
I came across a job
that required a college degree
or the equivalent.
I thought,
my eight years
of high school
are paying off.
- Buzz Nutley

This section has demonstrated that schools are often wasted on younger children who do not fit our predetermined mold. It is similar to the מיטת סדום - the Mitat Sodom - which was a one-size-fits-all bed used in ancient Sodom. All guests had to conform to that bed. The legs of those who were too tall were amputated. The bodies of those who were too short were stretched. Everybody had to fit in the bed.

Our children suffer a similar fate.

Some children absorb all that is reasonable for them during their formative pre-school years. It is questionable whether they should attend school when they grow older. Indeed, perhaps they should be doing other things, rather than going to school.

Many older people continue in the educational system for longer than necessary. People may go to business school or teacher-training seminaries as an entry ticket to a profession, They have to devote several years of their life in order to make the system happy, even though the schools don't necessarily teach them their trade. They learn what they need to know out in the field. Their time in the classroom is largely wasted.

That is why you find many Rabbis, psychologists, or other professionals who teach successfully, with no formal, academic, pedagogical background? They can certainly help us rethink our approach to schooling.

On the other hand, some people study educational theory for years. They may even have a degree in education and their classes will bore you to tears. Education as a theory just doesn't work. Either you can teach or you can't.

Our conscience should be clean. Let's release children from classrooms at an earlier age, if they are not inclined to study.

There are probably other categories as well. Only one option in our list includes the need for a teacher and a classroom. The vast majority of students will not gain from the existing syst4em.

How big is that category? Well, nobody carried out any research, but we know that it would certainly be much less than the situation that we have today.

Under the proposed system, all children would be doing what they enjoy doing. As a result they would be happier, more motivated, and they would adjust to life more successfully.

They would not all have to study in a classroom with a standardized curriculum, but instead they could work to achieve things that they want. There is no doubt that the end result would be a better educated group of people, who would spend less time on their education and more time out in the field. They would do the things that they want and love, and the price to society would be lower.

The money that would be saved could be channeled toward increased teachers' salaries. Only the best teachers would be out in the field.

Part of the money could fund research in how to help the students.

The teachers who are thrown out of work by this system could either work in their fields or else they could join the researchers.

The school system is likely to be more successful. It would be limited to those who want to study and learn.

All gain, and no pain. It's amazing that the world has not adopted this system long ago.

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