I was asked to teach a chemistry course together with my French course, so I’m going to try out a new system that I studied. The program in my school, pays me by the student. I have one very small class in chemistry, and one very small class in French. Instead of teaching them separately, I'll save my time by creating a heterogeneous class. That way I'll get paid more money per hour.
True, chemistry and French are very different subjects, but I learned that the trend in education today is to teach classes with children of different levels, skills, abilities, or knowledge. The educational system does it in order to save money.
I’m sure that the philosophy behind heterogeneous classes must be good, since there is so much research in the field. So, I’m sure my superiors will be thrilled to see that I’m advancing one of the most touted educational philosophies in today’s literature.
I'll do exactly as I was taught. I'll give one group an assignment while I'm busy with the other group, and both groups will learn, just as I read in those articles about heterogeneous classes. I hope I can get somebody to observe me, and I'll be happy to listen to suggestions about how to improve my own heterogeneous class.
Oh, wait, I think somebody is calling me. Oh, you mean that heterogeneous classes only work when they are for the convenience of the educational establishment? You mean that I would not be permitted to teach heterogeneous classes in order to make my own work more convenient for myself? You mean all of the philosophy collapses when I try to make my own heterogeneous classes?
I thought so.
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Keywords: Education, Opposites, Research, , Teaching,