Articles about education
How to teach

just about anything

This section will explain how you can teach just about anything. It is likely to be quite different from any material that you may have read in other sources because it doesn’t reflect the usual theories of teaching.

Those theories are clearly wrong. We ask children to take SATs or other psychometric exams, and then we set up expensive alternative training programs so that those who can best afford it will learn how to boost their scores. As a result, those tests don't measure what they were set up to measure.

We find out that homeschooling is far superior to – and less violent than – regular schools. Thus, untrained parents are shown to do a better job than professionals.

We send potential teachers to colleges where they learn how to re-invent the wheel. What a waste! Why should they make materials that could be bought cheaply?

This issues show that the teachers are not doing their jobs properly in the regular classes. It means that the students go to alternative schools in order to study the things that they should have studied in class. The alternative schools are not necessarily taught by certified teachers who received teaching diplomas from institutions that are accepted by the Board of Education. Nonetheless, they are often more successful than the regular teachers.

Those alternative teachers have mastered the technique of teaching your subject area. They can teach anything successfully.

Are those teachers better than you? If they can learn how to teach anything, shouldn't you be able to do the same?

This section will teach you, too, their secrets. You will learn how to teach anything - and not just the areas in which you have the "right" background or experience.

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