Articles about education
The teaching profession
In-service training courses

The scourge of in-service training courses

Many people have an idea that they will take an in-service training course so that they will know how to teach a certain aspect of their subject. They are afraid or unable to teach the course until they have completed the special in-service training course and only then then will they feel confident about being able to teach the subject matter.

This is very strange indeed. After all, you are a professional and you should know your subject area. Why in the world can't you create your own program for the class your own lesson for the class?

Worse, are your standards so low that you would allow the quality of the teacher, the in-service training class teacher, to be your maximum? In other words, you won't teach any better than the teacher of the in-service training course? That teacher will give you all of your ideas and you will do as well as you can with those ideas. That seems to be a very low standard. What if the teacher of that course is not good? Does that mean that your level is going to be even lower than that? What happens if that teacher is boring? What happens if that teacher made mistakes? What happens if that teacher's methods don't match your own methods? Or style doesn't match your own style? You are going to change everything to match the in-service training teacher?

Are you a robot? Do you just follow exactly what you're told to do and try to mimic it? Perhaps, you are a monkey and whatever you are shown that's what you do without thinking on your own.

This is not the way a professional acts and this is not the way a professional teaches.

There are major questions about the need for the in-service training course and for its value at all, but to say that you would rely on it. But go ahead and take the course. After all it may be a requirement.

However, to say that you will rely on that course and that the course will determine what you teach and how well you teach and your lesson will match that of an in-service training course seems to be a very strange way for a professional teacher to act and/or believe.

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Keywords: Independence, Method, Teaching, Training