It is wise to use a tape recorder.
However, the child should also have a real, human instructor. He is not learning a song, and he should be prepared to read any Parasha or Haftorah in the future. He should understand his reading, and he should reading with logical pauses and expressions. Certain grammatical forms and rules regarding the shvah, Mapik-Heh, and other symbols which should be stressed.
A child who reads in Sfaradit should be aware of the kamatz katan. Those who read with Israeli pronunciation should be taught to differentiate between the segol and the tzerei.
In general, the pronunciation should follow the family tradition, if it is known.
The tape recorder can also be used effectively in reverse. Tape the boy at various stages during the studies, and ask him to listen to himself. He will hear and correct some mistakes without the involvement of the teacher.
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Keyword: Recording