This is the eighth article in a series about dormitory education. The previous article showed the issues involved in some Kibbutz family rearing practices.
Another unfortunate situation is exemplified by Israel's Mother and Child Clinics. Mothers are given advice by people who are considered to be more knowledgeable. With a pompous attitude a parent might be told that the infant should be weaned as soon as possible and should be fed bottled milk and formula as it is more healthy.
Of course, this does represent a fad which may be fostered by the producers of the formulas. They try to prove that their product is superior to the natural alternative.
Is this indeed the case? It’s hard to say but there is certainly little to be gained by disdainfully rebuking a mother for desiring to raise a child according to the way that her own mother raised her and to insist that the mother is foolish or wrong.
This is yet another way in which certain aspects of society may attempt to break down traditions.
The next article in the series provides a possible compromise to the issues resulting from dormitory education.
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Keywords: Counseling, Israel, Rebuke, Tradition