My basic approach to teaching is as follows: I like to reduce the dread that my students have when they study English as a foreign language. They are in my class despite the fact that they have studied for eight or more years in the school before this. When they finished their high school studies they were told look just do well on your final exams and your matriculation tests and then you will never again in your lives have to study English. Here are tricks for passing the matriculation exam. We’ll get you through and that’s it. We know that you hate English because it hasn’t been taught properly or you it hasn’t spoken to you or you haven’t seen the need for it over the past number of years. Let’s get past that problem and now let’s just get you finished with high school and then you’ll be able to manage for the rest of your lives speaking your native language, Hebrew.
Next: They lied.
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Keywords: Fear, Hate