Success doesn't mean the absence of failures; it means the attainment of ultimate objectives. It means winning the war, not every battle. - Edwin C. Bliss |
Every morning is the dawn of a new error. -Unknown |
Lucy: "That's all right, Charlie Brown. You win some, you lose some." Charlie Brown: "That would be wonderful." |
Failure. The word conjures up dread. It is among the most feared things in the world.
Failure means that you are not the person you wanted to be. You have not met the expectations of yourself or of others. You have been doomed to a lesser status where you feel that you are doomed.
People may utter the most vicious or filthy slang. They may emit words that will cause the most hip teenager to shudder. However, there is a red line: Failure. It might well be one of the last taboo words.
Fortunately, when failure hits the attack may be less serious than expected.
Many people grow after a failure. It helps them become better people. Others pull together the pieces and create a good situation from this failure. They can evaluate and determine where they went wrong and pull themselves up.
Even this is not always necessary, as there are other reasons for failure.
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Keywords: Failure, Fear