Articles about education
The System

The greatest mistake you can make in life
is to be continually fearing
you will make one.
- Elbert Hubbard

About the failure of the educational system, not about children's failing

Sometimes the reason that a person fails is because of the system. This is not only in schools. This is also in any place of employment or any establishment or in any home. The cards may be stacked against a person and he will fail no matter what he does.

Of course, by saying this this may lead people to think that they can always blame the system for their failure and this would be unfair. Now people must be accountable for their deeds and not blame the system. Furthermore, if the people see that the system is at fault it is their responsibility if they are mature to remove themselves from that system.

However, we assume that in this case the person is either not yet mature or not in a position to remove themselves from the system or that they don't even realize that the problem comes from the system and we therefore have to blame the system for not protecting people such as these who may be gullible or not capable of getting around it in a satisfactory way so that they can avoid the problem.

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Keywords: Blame, Maturity