Articles about education
The Future of Education

What is the future of education?

It is difficult to predict anything these days, but we can predict wild changes as education experts try out and then reject methods.

Education keeps changing, based on fads, pressure, new concepts, political need, and ineffective, transplanted research from other locations.

Education has a fine history. The academy of Shem and Aver in the beginning of Bereshit did a good job, but education still keeps changing. Everybody seems to have ideas, feelings, thoughts, and concepts about education - especially what is wrong with it.

Many issues have pressure groups - and no pressure group is stronger than a single parent who is determined to make changes according to her view of life.

The last thing to improve may be teacher education. Our system does not help teachers learn how to teach. It teaches them to follow pre-set formulas based on ideal situations and circumstances.

In the future people may continue to see that education remains much the same as it is today - despite the reforms, research, and developments. The amount of knowledge that children will not necessarily be an indicator of their future success in life or of the success of the teacher.

In other words, if you want to see the future of education look at education today and in the past, You will probably see much of education in the future. There will be more gadgets, more tools, more computers, more theories, and more research, but the real differences will probably be quite minimal.

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Keywords: About, Future