Students have learned from a very young age that they just have to study whatever they are given. You would never ask an elementary school child which courses to take. They just study whatever everybody else studies. And it is assumed that they are studying the "right" material. If you want a child to study something different then perhaps you send that child to a different school that has a different philosophy and perhaps the courses will be different.
The children get older, they do begin to ask questions. Some of these questions are answered but they will never get real answers to the question about why they have to study a particular subject. Even in college, students who do as why they have to take a particular course will receive answers such as, "Because it's required," or "If you don't take it you won't graduate," or "The Department of Education or Ministry of Education or Middle States Association requires it." The answers are never really satisfactory but students put up with this. Even adults who go through four years or more of college and then graduate school, just silently put up with the courses that they are given.
The courses come out to be a muddled question of unclear material. They have a collection of knowledge in various spheres. The level of their knowledge is mixed because of their own situation, because of their own desires, because of the variations among teachers and ability to teach.
However, they have a collection of information which is never put together. It never seems to make a coherent whole.
Those who would have been good in their field without going to higher education studies will remain good. Those who would not have been good won't succeed, but this makes their studies quite irrelevant.
Students, on the other hand, are not really part of these administrative decisions and they simply have to take the courses that are offered at any given time based upon the whims of the administration. The way that students perceive their field is based on the courses that are offered to them and it will always have a slant, but this slant often varies based administrative whim or need or a teaching staff whom they feel that they have to hire. Thus, it is rare for students to get a true picture of the entire field.
They're not going to get a real picture of the entire field anyhow because it is not the way that things are done. It is never discussed with them.
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