Structure your teaching to the needs of your audience.
If you are teaching a computer class to future teachers in Yeshivas, don't just introduce your topics as parts of the Microsoft Office program. That doesn't interest them. Instead, teach them how to create student worksheets, school forms, and automated student records. In that way, their studies will be relevant to their own needs and desires. This will motivate them to do the work.
Will you be teaching a class in library or research skills? Teach them how to search for resources, so that their school and study workload will be easier.
How about psychology? Evaluate the issues of some famous people in the media. Show how to use psychology in order to resolve their problems.
Will you teach a class in English as a Foreign Language? Let's look into that option in greater detail.
Show the students how to research solutions to common classroom and language problems and issues.
The vocabulary that relates to the students own professional needs can be photocopied, so that the material will be relevant for the audience. That vocabulary represents a summary of all of the courses in this subject.
Students have reported that they have had to explain certain things in other classes. they eagerly raised their hands and exclaimed, “Teacher, teacher I know the answer. We studied it in English class, so I can only explain it in English.
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Keywords: Audience, EFL (English as a Foreign Language)