Try to learn something about everything
and everything about
- Thomas Henry Huxley, biologist (1825-1895)
The information in this website will be converted into a book. Following is the working outline for that book:
- How to teach
- Keep parents happy
- Keep administration busy and happy
- Keep the kids busy
- This is the key to teaching
- They should all be involved in learning all the time, without pauses
- Any pause will destroy the child’s interest, and he will find another way to be occupied
- This will cause discipline problems.
- That’s the only real rule of teaching.
- Slower or faster kids need to have material at their own pace – might mean several different mini-plans within one classroom. Nobody should have any time when not working.
- Each lesson should include a specific, small thing to add to previous lesson
- Children should feel comfortable with the material, based on stuff they know. You will get the feel of how much to add each lesson
- Brighter kids can obviously have more added to each lesson than weaker kids
- Use various methods to keep them busy
- Songs keep everybody busy at the same time – as long as they know the words in advance
- This might mean teaching the slower students the words for a longer time than the brighter ones, while the brighter ones do something different
- When the brighter ones do something different, they should not feel that it is busy work – it should be marked and evaluated, and required – or else they will not do it and they will disturb
- They should be prevented from demonstrating superiority over the weaker ones by separating them.
- Set the tone the first day
- The day after each vacation or holiday is like a mini-first day
- The last days of school are crucial
- Keep the parents happy
- Prepare a note to give them on PTA night
- Don't call them too often to complain about kids
- Keep administration busy and happy
- Don't ask for too much assistance
- Give them the feeling that you are always preparing for the classes
- Do preparations in teachers’ room so that the administration will see that you are busy at work
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Keywords: Method, Teaching