Articles about education
How to teach

Especially in the college, adult level, the subject material itself is the least important thing to teach. You can be an excellent teacher without imparting any information in the subject material. That will come by itself.

Teachers should get students to realize the importance of the material to their lives, and to create a love and fascination for the material. If successful the students will want to investigate more about it out of curiosity. After all, a teacher can only teach a subject as well as his own knowledge, experience, and abilities. However, if the student wants to know more about the material, then you’ve gone beyond your own experience and knowledge. You've helped the student continue learning the material for the rest of his life. That’s a far more effective and useful way of teaching. It means that you will have to enter the private session or large classroom with exhilaration, love, excitement, and a knowledge of the wonders and beauties of what you have to teach. Only excellent teachers can convey this concept and feeling to the student(s).

Of course, you have to know the subject material itself and to be able to convey it. However, that’s a later and less important stage.

If you have conveyed a love for the subject, then it can be absorbed rapidly, because the students will be thirsty for that information and knowledge. The time invested in sharing your excitement about the material will be more than compensated for as the students absorb the rest of your knowledge.

This method offers more than just excitement for the material. In the long run, you’ve actually taught more as well.

This technique is especially useful with boring and dull subjects. If they are presented in an exciting manner, even though they expected it to be less exciting, and you have shown them that there’s another way of looking at it and it really is wonderful, terrific, and great for them then you have been able to do your job as a teacher better than anybody else was able to do.

Another technique is to show that it is not a very difficult concept. If you can show them, look, here’s how I did it. I didn’t work hard, did I? Students who agree that you really did it in a much easier way than they expected, they will get excited about it.

Love of teaching affects other areas as well.

  1. The desire to learn. Students with a positive desire will succeed. On the other hand, those who exhibit anger, distress, disappointment, discouragement, frustration, or other negative factors will divide the efforts at concentration between the studies and the negative feelings. The more negative feelings that exist, the lower the percentage of effort that is devoted to studies.
  2. Recruitment of students, or future clients. People like to study when they feel confident and good about the studies. In those cases, they will recommend others to study with the teacher for with whom it was a satisfying or pleasurable experience. This feeling is an investment therefore in future student recruitment.

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Keyword: Motivation