Articles about education
PTA meetings
A teacher's guide
When problems arise

These guidelines should help in most issues. Most parents will be courteous and accepting of your recommendations. However, despite your efforts to maintain control over the meeting, some parents may cause you grief.

What should be done if a parent becomes defensive or abusive during the PTA meeting?

When that happens, explain very simply, "Oh, I see that you are upset. This is an important issue that we must deal with effectively and quickly. Let's set up a special meeting to handle it. Other parents want to discuss their own children with me this evening, and we do want to let them have a chance to talk to me as well." Be very firm about this point. Show concern for the parent, but do not attempt to deal with the problem at this time.

Later, you can handle that abusive or defensive parent on a one-to-one basis, without an audience. Because of the delay, they may calm down. Those two factors are important when dealing with problematic parents.

If parents do present a specific legitimate request at the private meeting, be sure to mark them down carefully on a separate page. List the request together with the parent's name.

Once you've written down a problem, be sure to handle it. It won't go away by itself (and neither will the parents)!

Your PTA meeting is not complete until you have prepared for the next meeting!

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Keywords: Audience, Behavior, Problems, PTA