It doesn't pay to get a higher education degree, such as a BA or an MA.
Granted, certain fields or institutions do require specific education as a prerequisite. If you want to go into those fields of work then you will have to get a higher education degree otherwise you will not be accepted.
However, it is questionable whether the time and money invested in getting the degree is worth it. People who just start to work in their field may make at least the same amount of money, and possibly more.
But for other people who are not interested in those fields there is no need to get that degree and you can have very respectable jobs without the degree. Some of those jobs are as follows:
Computer repairs.
Certain institutions require that applicants demonstrate a specific academic background before they will be accepted for an interview. Those without the necessary credentials will not be able to work for those employers. However, nobody will stop you from opening up your own computer repair establishment people will judge you based on your ability to work with computers.
Many people know how to repair computers based on their own intuition or experimentation. If you are in this category then go ahead and fix people's computer and nobody will ask you about your degrees unless during the course of your talking you happen to bring up the subject and there's no reason for you to do so.
There are also people who want to raise their own personal prestige or status. It is important for them to be able to know that they have carried out the work that is required in order to get a higher education degree. They want to be able to be in the company of others who have this degree. That's fine, in which case go ahead and get it.
However, when you consider whether it is worth getting the degree from a financial point of view, the answer unquestionably has to be negative. It doesn't pay to get that degree.
If you have any questions about that, consider how much people without a degree make in general and how much people with a degree make. Generally the people who have professions that require degrees are restricted to a certain salary scale whereas other people who simply open up a store or a factory can benefit from an unlimited income, the sky's the limit.
If your calculation is other than money then perhaps it does pay. But if your calculation involves money, then it definitely does not pay.
Other educational issues that don't pay
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Keywords: Computers, Maintain, Money, Translation, Value