We need to reorder our educational priorities.
The existing system is counterproductive. It does not allow for a sensible or proper direction or attitude.
Today's teachers have extensive and specialized training. Many teachers have postgraduate degrees. Yet, many of them cannot cope with the basic needs of their job. They are not compensated adequately for their training, and many people wonder why they spent all of those preparatory years in college.
According to the existing system, those who have more training teach undergraduates, with less training they teach high school, and so on. Kindergarten children have to manage with teachers who have the least training in their fields.
Now, you might say, a kindergarten teacher has different and specialized requirements, such as the need and ability to offer love. She also has to teach her children to study the basics of survival in school, and ultimately in life. Although those skills or traits are not necessarily taught in college, they are needed in order to teach these young children.
This is true, and it does raise some questions. Future teachers are required to go to college, where they are taught one set of values and skills, while they require and use other concepts for their teaching. They don't need to know about physics and Chaucer in order to teach kindergarten.
Does it seem like the entire educational system and curriculum requires changes in direction and focus?
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Keywords: Method, Sequence, Teaching