There comes a time We have spent generations demoralizing our teachers. We give teachers classes that are too large, students who do not want to study, pay that is not commensurate with their professional education or background. After that, we browbeat the poor teachers to perform, to succeed, and to do well.
We place numerous supervisors over them to measure their accomplishments. We give students standardized tests. We ask teachers to compete with teachers at other schools in order to improve the education. Teachers do work hard, but not as much as they would if they were treated properly. They would work harder if we did our part to create a team of happy teachers.
In other words, we make the teachers sweat. They work very hard, without proper compensation. The teachers do their work because it is their nature. Teachers do not shirk responsibility. Teachers do not complain - well, not as much as other workers in similar circumstances. They simply grit their teeth - and many good teachers suffer early burnout as a result.
in every man's life
at least once,
and I've had plenty of them
Casey Stengel
Former New York Mets manager
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Keywords: Employment, Encouragement, Teaching