Articles about education
The Teaching Profession

Let us institute a radical new system.

Give the teachers the conditions that they need and deserve. Give them comfortable working conditions. Give them support when they have difficulties with individual students. Give them the pay that they deserve.

After doing that give the teachers the feedback that they deserve. Make them feel wanted and loved. Show them that you appreciate their positive accomplishments. Stress the good rather than the bad, just as you would do with a younger child.

We might discover that teachers are people, too. They appreciate a pat on the back for doing things well - just as you would appreciate it.

Let's accommodate their needs.

It might take a while for the teachers to change. Initially they may be suspicious of the new way that they are being treated.

That's okay. Give it a reasonable amount of time, and then watch how uch the educational system improves.

Just as you would improve tremendously if you were given the same incentives in your own field of endeavor.

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Keywords: Love, Money, Profession