Students have to learn how to set priorities from an early age.
As they set their priorities, education should be way up there at the top. It should be one of the most important priorities that they have, together with other issues such as family and religion. They should see that there is no competition or contradiction among each of these issues.
If this is not set early on as a factor in life, then the children will be swayed either by peer pressure or possibly by charismatic personalities who intervene. Although peer pressure and charismatic personalities may push the child in the right direction, it is certainly unpredictable and in more cases than not the direction is less than desirable.
A child who learns how to set priorities early in life will move in the direction that is proper and advisable and will not suffer from the wrong advice that he receives from people.
This concept of setting priorities is therefore an important study skill.
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Keywords: List, Peers, Students