Somebody looking at the way this website is organized might have thought that the Knesset information should go into the politics section.
That is not the case. The Knesset, which is Israel's parliament, often has very little to do with politics.
The politicians are more interested in themselves and in maintaining their seats than in doing the things that you would expect politicians to do.
Their goals are not necessarily related to making laws but rather to assuring themselves that in the next election their party will have more seats.
It's kind of a game and this is perhaps one of the many reasons why it is a miracle that the State of Israel survives. This has little to do with a legal body.
Visitors to the Knesset hall during a debate are shocked by the behavior of the elected officials. These should be the representatives of the people, people of the highest stature. People who should command respect and honor, but this is not the case. Instead you will often see raucus debate filled with insults and shouts with members of Knesset being removed forcibly from the less than venerable hall after refusing to terminate a senseless debate.
Yet, laws are made, sometimes to be overthrown by a less than reputable Supreme Court.
To the Western eye, that's just not what politics is about.
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Keywords: Institutions, Law, Manners, Politics