Some things have to be said quite clearly, without leaving any room for misunderstanding. You may be offended by this page, but it is important to present the truth.
There are arguments about whether Israel is "better" than the United States, or England, or Australia, or any other free country.
The discussion is foolish. It’s not better in those countries. It's not better in Israel. It’s different - and it's foolish to compare your options in those countries.
Still other people feel the need to evaluate whether it is "worth it" or whether it "pays off" for them to live in Israel.
What a shame. Let's save those people a great deal of bother.
It isn't worth it. It doesn't pay.
No matter how you compare a rich Western country and Israel's offerings, the competition has it, hands down. Israel will lose. Don't waste your time. Don't do the arithmetic. Don't wear out the batteries in your calculator.
The only reason to consider Israel as an option is because it is Israel. Period. Any comparison of issues, facts, tendencies, or potential options will mean that the game is over.
Now that you've thrown away your agenda and put aside all of those other issues, please re-think whether you still want to move here - and why.
Eliminate all other reasons. Throw out the logic. Be honest with yourself.
It will save you a great deal of grief later on.
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Keywords: Discuss, Economy, Experiment, Value