You started to read this website because you are interested in Israel. However, you have certain preconceptions and expectations. You may not be an expert in every issue relating to Israel, but you do believe that you know a lot.
You may even be right.
However, your perception is likely to be different from somebody who lives in Israel and experiences the complex issues relating to Israeli life. Your preconceptions may satisfy you, but they do not necessarily match reality as seen by Israelis.
Nonetheless, let's remember that you do know a lot. Let's also keep in mind that this website wants to make everybody happy.
This section will therefore describe the Israel that you expect, know, and love. You wanted to read this section in the website, and you got it.
Not only does this section reflect what you want to read, but it also reflects the way that you sound to us. Perhaps the following reactions are to be anticipated:
This section contrasts with the rest of the website, which portrays and reflects the life of someone who has perceived, experienced, and tried to understand life in Israel over the course of several decades. It reflects countless online and personal conversations about the issues that Israelis see as important.
In other words, this section is a refuge - a small piece of your reality that you can accept, know, and understand.
Nu, so your reality doesn't match ours. Is that such a surprise?
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Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.
Keywords: About, Chutzpah, Denial, Perception