Articles about libraries
and librarianship
What Not to Expect

It's important to clarify up front what not to expect from this website.

Enough resources on these topics have been written by self-styled experts. Still more resources have been written by professors with advanced degrees. In both cases, it is often difficult to point to the source for many of their statements.

This website, on the other hand, has no difficulty pointing to its source, and to the person taking full responsibility for its content. The entire website is based on the author's own ideas, weltanschauung, and observations. The concepts represented here seem to explain many issues in the field.

The concepts should not be forgotten

The author is not getting any younger, and there is no justification for the answers to these questions to disappear.

You may agree (in which case we'll be friends) or you may disagree (in which case we will also be friends). However, please realize that if you disagree, you'll have to present an alternative explanation and understanding of difficult issues.

In that case, you may have to write your own website.

From the dictation of April 26, 2005:

The library world has undergone major changes from the times when I was younger and studied Library Science till today and there is no reason to believe that these changes will slow down in the coming generations.

Any manual, directory, or website about running a library would probably be outdated within a very brief amount of time.

This website however, is different. It does not relate to current or past technology or concepts. It is a different way of looking at personal or small libraries and a different way of dealing with printed documents and other documents.

This information, suggestions, and information gleaned from a lifetime of using and researching books will be of value to people in any generation.

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