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Surviving in a
Small Apartment

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Surviving in a small apartment

There is an additional advantage: Traditional methods waste space.

In a large apartment or house with a growing library you can feel free to spread out the books in an inefficient manner, but many others will want to prevent the books from sprawling over the house. On the other hand, those who live in a medium or smaller dwelling will find this method even more helpful. If floor or shelf space is at a premium, then people will want to find a way to have the books remain accessible while still having as much living space as possible. This concept is important. True, books can be stacked up to the ceiling, even if the ceiling is high, but that would hardly be considered accessible. Alternatively, books can be stacked two deep, or placed on their side behind other books on a shelf, but again, this is hardly accessible. It is also very annoying, since the titles cannot be seen.

Our goal should be to maximize the availability of the books while minimizing the inconvenience. In a small house this becomes a priority. Nonetheless, we still want the books to be able to be located. If we arrange them by size, we may well lose out on the possibility of locating similar books on the same topic.

This method will handle all of these options, possibilities, and ideas proposed in a new and unique way.

The author of this series of articles has a very large collection of books and it is housed in a relatively small apartment in Israel. Apartments and houses in Israel are typically smaller than their counterparts in the United States or Canada. It’s a small country. Perhaps this is reflected in the apartments.

On the other hand, Israel is inhabited largely by Jews – the People of the Book – which means that they have large collections of books in small houses. The books are the pride and joy of the owners. A common gift is a book or a set of books. Allocations are made on a regular basis for buying books to match the owner’s needs. This series will also discuss ways to purchase books, although today’s method of buying books does differ from the past.

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Keyword: Surviving