Articles about Parenting
She Will Win You Over

Unfortunately, many boys don't think very much about what they want with a girl. As a matter of fact, the boys think much less than girls about the concept of marriage in general. When boys are ready they go out with a girl and they marry all too often based on whether they like her.

This is very unfortunate.

When you go with a girl there is an excellent chance that you will like her. It is her job to do whatever is necessary and possible to make you like her.

Girls work on boys. They know how to. That's a special skill that they have. The girl will find somebody they want and they will try to win him over, and they have ways to do that.

The boys don't always realize that the girls are working on them or trying to win them over. They don't know that the girls are going about the dating process in a way which is different from the way the boys do it.

If a girl is successful in winning over the boy, she is likely to continue using that successful tactic after the two of them get married. After all, she's been practicing now while you've been going out together and when she finds the right buttons to push, then she knows how to get what she wants from the boy.

Basically, a boy is unwittingly telling a girl, "Go ahead, push the right buttons, and then I'll marry you." So the decision is made based upon a girl who knows how to successfully push the right buttons. So the boy is effectively telling the girl, "Practice on me now. Do what it takes to learn what you need to do in order to be able to manipulate me. I am now going to sit over here and be prepared to be manipulated. Actually, I'm not thinking about that. I don't realize that, but that's what happens. That's what I'm doing. If you're able to manipulate me sufficiently and successfully so that I can fall for you, then I will marry you." Those girls who know how to do that have successfully manipulated a boy and then they have learned how to manipulate but that's not going to stop during the dating process. The girl is going to know how to manipulate the boy, to wangle things out of him for the rest of their married life together.

Boys, is that really what you want? Do you want a girl who knows how to win you over and to get her way with you? Are you giving her the training ground for preparation for this scheme? Are you interested in any other characteristics of the girl? After all, this should be the least important characteristic. As a matter of fact, you should possibly be looking for a girl who is going to give you an equal chance at getting what you want, rather than wangling what she wants. You want to have a fair chance at getting things also, don't you?

Allowing her to get what she wants without studying other issues is like starting off a business without a business plan. If you don't know what you want, then she'll get what she wants.

Are you sure that that's the right way to go about making the decision that will arguably be the most important in your life?

Think about it! If you are in the market for a car, a bicycle, a printer, or even a smaller object, you would do a thorough market study. You would ask friends about it. You would try to find the object that would be the most suitable for your needs. You would want to get the most for your money. You would want to get one that is the most effective, efficient, and the one which is just right for you. You would not let a salesman or you would not want to let a salesman talk you into getting the wrong one.

Yet, with this, the most important decision in your life, you're going to let a girl sell herself. You're going to let her win you over, and you're going to even encourage it.

Are you sure this is the way you want to go about selecting your bride?

Where do you want to go now?

See the next article in this series

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