Articles about Parenting
Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Some people seem to have more luck than others. They aren't bothered by the potential for failure, so their successes look easy.

In many cases, things really are easier for them. They may find their bashert - their soul-mate or their right match - more rapidly than others.

They are able to collect the relevant information that they need to make a decision in a relatively brief period of time. They may even state that they are "very particular" while they are going about this seemingly easy task. Others who are not as fortunate may struggle to obtain only a modicum of worthwhile information about their potential date.

That does not mean that you should expect your own dating procedure to be easy. You should invest a great deal of effort in this venture. After all, the growing and worrisome divorce rate throughout the world is a sure sign that something is wrong with the way people relate to marriage. Perhaps people want or expect the procedure to be easy. Maybe it is necessary to find a better and more objective way to select a mate, in order to assure that the decision will be correct.

Yet another reason that people expect the procedure to be easy is the general mindset of the people who get married today. In the past, people got married in order to stay together. Their love grew over the years, based on their shared experiences. The rare cases of divorce were hushed up and treated as an embarrassment. This has changed in recent years.

We are going to discuss marriage for people who want to develop a relationship in the old-fashioned way. It may not be as easy as many other things that are done today. It may not satisfy everybody. However, it may keep the spouses together and reflect the way that relationships used to be.

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