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Many boys are afraid of girls, and many girls are afraid of boys. The reasons vary from a fear of the unknown to justified issues based on unfortunate experiences.

This fear is natural, and you are in good company. Don't worry about it, and don't be jealous of those who do not exhibit fear.

The fear is also positive. There are unquestionably various advantages to maintaining your distance, knowing your place, and refraining from mixing with those of the other gender unnecessarily.

You may never get over that fear - and that's also acceptable. It has many advantages in observant Jewish circles.

The level of your fear depends on various issues and on your own background and family. If you grew up in a mixed environment, such as a home that has many brothers and sisters, then you will act differently than somebody who has studied only with girls or only with boys and does not know what the other gender is like.

After you spend enough time with somebody whom you respect and trust, you will begin to relax. That doesn't mean that you will feel comfortable with everybody from both genders, but it does mean that after some time, the two of you will feel better in each other's company.

The bottom line is clear: There are many things that may concern you about dating. That is why this website has been prepared. However, your fear of meeting someone of the other gender should not be a cause for hesitation. You should not feel that this fear is a problem.

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