Articles about Parenting
Find out in advance

avec les loups
to howl with the wolves.
Do as others do
(not necessarily recommended)

Wonderful! Someone has recommended a shidduch for you. Now, you have to decide whether to accept the offer.

There are various approaches to this situation.

Neither of those options places you in control of the situation. In the first case, the matchmaker is in control. In the second case, your date may be in control.

For those reasons, you may want to take some pro-active steps in order to find out as much as possible in advance.

True, that is not the usual procedure for going out on a date. However, it does offer various advantages:

For these reasons, you may want to investigate the issues more carefully before going out on the first date with that potential partner.

This preliminary investigation may help you and your confidant make an objective decision about whether to accept the offer.

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