Articles about Parenting
When He's in Public

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It is often very difficult to be objective with your future partner. You don't really know what the person is like and your emotions always fool you. They always say that he's good and you don't see things that other people might see that may be negative.

This does not mean that you should look for negative things. It does mean that you should try to be as objective as possible and to try to be fair in your evaluation of your future partner.

How can this be done? There are several rather easy ways that you can determine how other people see your potential partner and this can help you make an important decision.

Observe your partner when you are in a public situation but not together. When he or she is some distance from you. Observe how everyone else seems to relate to your partner in this public position. Does he seem to be well liked?

Try to observe how your partner reacts to the other people. Is he a party gadfly? Does he or she seem to be flirting with other people or does your partner show that he wants to remain faithful and loyal to you? This does not necessarily mean that the partner cannot speak to members of the other gender, but it does mean that you have to be able to see how he relates to these people.

When your partner does speak to somebody of the other gender, do you feel jealous of that person? How do you deal with that jealousy? Do you feel a need to speak to your partner about it and to correct the way that the partner is acting?

If so, don't bother. You will not be able to correct your partner in most cases. If it bothers you that much then there may be a problem with the relationship between you and your partner.

These public gatherings can be very helpful and useful to you when you understand your relationship to the future and it may predict potential issues or problems.

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