Articles about Parenting

gato escaldado
de água fria tem mêdo

A scalded cat
is afraid of cold water

Even though you've been rejected, there's no reason to be dejected.

Okay, you finally went out, and after one or more dates you were told that there won't be any further dates with that person. How should you deal with this information?

Actually, it may be a good sign. You know at this early stage that the other person is not interested in continuing and you are free to go out with a different person.

However, you are not likely to accept that informtion as good news.

Relax. It's not necessarily you.

You are likely to have good a good background, traits, and characteristics. However, various possibilities or circumstances may have intervened:

Any number of additional items or reasons could be added to this list. They do not necessarily mean that anything is wrong with you.

How often does it happen?

If you suffer repeated rejections then perhaps you and your confidant should search for the reason. Something about you may cause rejection. Perhaps you should do some serious and objective soul-searching in order to determine the cause.

In this case your confidant may not have the expertise required in order to determine what causes people to reject others. It may be necessary to turn to another professional to deal with this issue. That does not mean that the confidant's job is limited. It does not mean that the confidant should not be involved in everything. It does mean that there may be a necessity to go beyond the confidant in this specific issue .

Correct the problem, and then accept our wishes for more successful dates.

It is very rare to require the assistance of a third party or an outside source. The reasons for rejection are usually quite simple and benign.

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