This page is to be read by reviewers of this directory.
Most of the websites in this series have a file called Reviewers.html. That file relates to the requests for evaluating the website as a whole.
This file is a single and singular exception. It relates to this Dating section, which is among the most popular directories in the series.
Since this directory is more developed than most of the others, and since it receives the most feedback, I am in a position to establish specific requests.
The Parenting website has a file similar to this one, but the requests are not identical.
Your accepted comments are likely to be added to those of previous reviewers. They will also be included in the forthcoming book version of this directory. Your input will help make this book better than others of the same topic.
Each article in this Dating section includes the following elements:
See the next article in this series
Read articles about dating
Read more articles about parenting
Find out about the Jewish Parenting Forum
Find out about other Jewish and Hebrew forums
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