Articles about Parenting
The Shadchan

As the shadchan you have a responsibility that goes beyond simply finding a boy and a girl whom you think will go together. There are a lot of other jobs that you have to do as well and they are no less important.

The couple is depending on you to help them make the most important decision in their lives. It is not a casual job. It's not just a coincidence that you happen to meet two people that you want to do them a favor by letting each one know about the other. It's a great responsibility and it may take up a certain amount of your time even if it is not convenient for you. Don't let that stop you from making the connection, but on the other hand realize that the couple is very anxious to have efficient service right away when you do make that connection.

What you are doing is committing yourself to a job. At the end of this job, if all goes well, you will be paid for it and all parties involved are aware that you will be paid for it. This is therefore a job in which you take a great responsibility upon yourself and you should be prepared to do the job faithfully and to the best of your ability and efficiently. There can be no greater honor than to do this job well, can be no greater curse than to do this job poorly, and you will have a great deal to answer for if you did a sloppy job. Take the job seriously and do it well.

Of course, if the shadchan does do the job properly and things don't work out later there is no reason for the shadchan to eat his or her heart out.

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Keyword: Shadchan