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It is important to understand what definition means as far as a young adult is concerned.
If that child goes to the store or to another location and refuses to say where they're going, they are not being independent. They are simply rebelling or showing the parents that they do not have to listen to them.
The proof is that they would be willing to tell anybody else in the world where they are going and they would not feel that it is a lack independence. They don't feel that they depend on that person. They are selecting only the parents and it is only that person who will not know where they are going. That means that a different issue or element is at play here.
True independence will be fostered after a person realizes that they do not have to be concerned or bothered by telling somebody else information such as where they are going and they feel free and open about things, but they are not troubled by these issues. Then they are independent.
Creating phony exhibitions of independence or trying to develop certain acts which may represents or be symptomatic of independence in specific cases does not mean true independence. To the contrary, true indpendence means that a person does not have to consider issues to prove that they are independent. They don't need to rely on signs that seem to indicate independence. They just feel relaxed and good about the things that they are and that they do.
Independence also does not mean a refusal to accept physical, social, or intellectual offers from other people. By refusing to accept other things the person is either turning into a loner or a caveman. Are these people independent? Well, perhaps it could be argued either way, but it is unlikely that that is the kind of independence that an intelligent person would want to strive for.
Does independence mean doing anything that you want to do?
Well, consider what would happen in the world if everybody would decide what they want to do and not consider the rights, needs or desires of others. Then again, perhaps, that does reflect some of what happens in our world today, some of the ugliest and worst parts of our lives in the world today and we should not be proud of it nor should we want to contribute to that sad state of affairs. Independence does mean considering the needs of othes and finding the best way to fit in with society in order to live a happy and productive life without a feeling that society is controlling you.
Does independence mean violating others' rights to free speech, for example? Or does it meant that you have the right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater? Does it mean saying that you have rights to many other things? Of course not. These are also not issues of independence. These are issues of a deranged mind.
Thus, true independence is demonstrated by a person who cooperates with others in a satisfactory manner, but not a person removes others' rights or independence.
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Keywords: Control, Definitions, Independence