If your child has left home, then you may have to find professional help.
Not everybody is capable of helping in this situation - even those with good intentions. Most people offer advice freely without really having any knowledge, background, experience, or involvement in such situations. Their help may be worse than useless. It may harm you or the family members who remain at home.
You may want to be in touch with others whose children have left home - and you would be amazed how common this situation is. Listen to their recommendations and advice before taking any actions. Since they are are likely to present conflicts based on their own situation, you may want to present the facts that you have gleaned to a single, knowledgeable person, who will guide you through this difficult time. That person does not necessarily have to have experienced a child who has left home. He should be a person with whom you feel comfortable.
This person is similar to the confidant who is used in certain circles by those who are dating. In both cases, the confidant should have all of the information in order to be able to guide you in the correct way to act.
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