Articles about Parenting
Leaving Home

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Most things require some kind of motivation either from inside the person or external. Leaving home is no different. Some people leave home because they find a reason within themselves or within the home that they want to leave. Other people leave home because of an outside force, a third party, that causes them to leave. Sometimes there's both a push and a pull. There is an internal cause for leaving, a local cause, either at home or within the person, and an external cause that makes the child choose to leave home. This is the same also for somebody who leaves a location and moves elsewhere, such as those who make Aliyah. They, too, require both a push and a pull.

In our case, of leaving home, the force that will cause the child to leave depends upon whether the child feels that he or she is going away from or escaping something that is perceived as negative or as bad or whether they feel they are going towards something which they feel is positive.

It is important to realize that there does not necessarily have to be a real negative or positive force. The child could perceive that there is something which is negative or positive.

In addition, the child might be attracted to something which is negative which means that the negative force is not necessarily going to be the issue that pushes the child away. The outside attraction might be negative.

We thus have a combination of issues both push and pull from within and without and positive and negative factors, all of which can work in any combination and any one of these can cause the child to leave or to stay home, depending upon the child's attraction to that force.

As a result the motivation for leaving home can be very complex indeed -- and also quite unpredictable.

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Keywords: Evil, Intermediary, Motivation