Articles about Parenting
It's More Elusive Than Ever

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In today's generation the concept of maturity is more elusive than ever.

The well-to-do parents have themselves never understood the need for limits and they pass on this concept and problem to their children. The children themselves see the behavior of others around them and the lack of manners, the lack of consideration and care for others and they bring this concept into their own home. The lack of respect for others including a lack of respect for others in their own family or for their own parents is evidenced with the children who don't understand the concept of improvement or of rebuke. They do as they feel. They are worshipped and adored by their parents who are helpless in raising them and also who show no desire to do so.

Maturity was always a complex issue but today it is considered by many parents to be unattainable and it is therefore not even attempted.

The children themselves are immature. We see children in college having other children. That's right. Children having children and they raise them somehow but not very successfully.

Teachers deal with classrooms filled with immature children and when they complain to the parents that their children are not living up to the standards for their age, the parents said that they gave up on the children and they expect and demand of the teacher to raise the child.

Our political system reflects the lack of maturity among nations and perhaps never in history has there been a period of time in which immaturity reigns as today.

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