Articles about Parenting

A person who knows what he can do or cannot do is likely to be mature in other ways as well.

Infants do not have this knowledge. It must be learned. Infants do not know what they can touch or what they cannot touch, how deep they can go in the water, where they can or cannot go, or what they can or cannot say. As people grow more mature, they develop an understanding or they are taught the principles which guide them to act in the right way.

A good parent will provide his children with the proper training in his limits and will adapt those limits to the abilities and needs of the child. In general, the limits are extended as the child grows older but even an adult has to know his own limits beyond which he cannot act properly.

In general, good parents set limits for their child, and children see if they can get away with them.

Some parents give in to their children, and their children learn how to behave from the norms of other children in the streets. If another child gets a large allowance, the parents may want to give their own child a comparable allowance. As a result, their child does not learn limits.

These parents miss out on the opportunity to train and raise their children in their own way and in their image, and the children themselves sometimes have difficulty acting according to acceptable cultural or religious norms.

Parents should train their children while they can, in order to have them understand your limits and limitations.

Some children will rebel when given limits, in order to assert their independence, and in order to demonstrate to the parents that they consider the family limits to be unacceptable. It would thus be wise for the parents to train the children in their limits as early as possible, because a parent can never tell when the child will want to assert his independence. From that point it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to set limits.

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Keywords: Age, Limits, Raising