Manufacturers develop products that need to be replaced after a certain amount of time. The idea is that they can making money by selling the product over and over again. This concept is called PPO or planned product obsolescence.
Children have the same concept. With them the concept might be called planned parent obsolescence.
From the beginning parents realize that they have or should realize that they have a limited amount of time in which they will be recognized as an authority or important figures. After that time they become obsolete. It would be wise to take this into consideration because the time will come.
Yes, the cycle will swing back at some point. When the child really does become mature, then the parent will have validity and importance and respect.
However, on the way to true maturity, the child will demonstrate what he incorrectly believes to be independence or maturity when the parent is no longer of value, no longer has any intelligence, no longer has any worth, no longer speaks to him, he's from the wrong generation, and so on. This is built in to his development, hard-wired into his development, and to be expected as a natural stage of development.
Planned parent obsolescence. We, parents, knew we had it coming all along.
There is a Hebrew translation for the term PPO. It's the same translation whether it refers to planned product obsolescence or planned parent obsolescence.
The word is chutzpah.
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Keywords: Chutzpah, Maturity, Parenting